Just like at Christmas, I struggled a little with finding dresses to suit all the girls. Izabella doesn't want to be too girlie, Monique wants to be really girlie, and Olivia just wants to be included. Luckily, I was able to find these skirt sweater ensembles, and all the girls were pleased.

When Izabella put her outfit on, she said, "it's not blue enough." I assured her it was plenty blue and she looked great. Then she informed me that she wanted NOTHING in her hair. On the other hand, she was worried about which earrings would match the best. I can't figure this little girl out!

After Monique was all dressed, and her hair done she looked at me and said, "I'm so pretty Mommy!" I couldn't help but agree.

Olivia was very patient as I attempted to do something girlie with her hair. Finally, all I could do was wrap some ribbon around, tie a bow, and call it good. She was happy with it, and when she walked into nursery and her teacher told her how pretty she looked, she held up her skirt and did a little curtsie. She is soooooo Monique's little sister.
I love these beautiful girls!