Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mother Guilt Reigns!

So, while I was in Utah, Izabella started 2nd grade. I can't believe how much this little girl has grown. She is really turning into a young lady already. Anyway, since I couldn't be with her on the first day of school I missed taking some cute pictures of her. Therefore, when I saw her wearing the same outfit she wore on the first day, I started snapping pictures. This way I can pretend I didn't miss it. It's not that much later...(school started August 25th)

Huh?! Why are you taking pictures of me?

You are the weirdest lady I know.

This is so dumb!
(but hey, Olivia thinks it's a perfect opportunity to scratch her bottom)

Finally, my cute girl emerges
from all the silliness!


arianabanana said...

Nat misses her....now that you're home, we need to get together....all of us. I miss you guys.

Gilbrides said...

She is so beautiful. I can't believe she is in second grade already. Wasn't she that adorable baby you brought in to work? ;) wow, they sure can grow up quickly--especially when they are not your children.

Mel said...

cute pictures Izabella - I hope you posed a little bit easier for your mom than you did for me. Every time I would try to take her picture while you were in Utah she would turn or hide her face, I'm lucky I even got any of her.