Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Dresses

Every year I love to buy the girls matching Christmas dresses. I'm not sure how much longer they will put up with this, but I'm going to push it as much as possible. I try to be sensitive to their needs. Bella's need to be non-girlie, and not too cute, Monique's need to be fluffy, and pretty like a princess, and Olivia's need to be just like her sisters. (That's the easy one!) Each girl was thrilled with the dresses this year, and were very pleased to wear them. Oh, and we were even on time to Church with all the hair a "makeup" we had to do. I even changed my clothes three times before settling for my outfit (thank goodness no pictures) and we still made it with two minutes to spare. Hurray Dottie! (Well, and Kirk if you want to include him in the Hurray giving.)

Bella did NOT want a ribbon in her hair, but I did some fancy talkin' and she finally agreed to a little bit of ribbon. (But you can't see it in this picture!)

Monique was quite cooperative this morning, because she wanted to be really pretty. It's always fun for a princess to get a new pretty dress...and the skirt was nice and fluffy. I had to really explain why I was putting a green ribbon in her hair. She knows, when you wear red, you use red ribbon (it's all about color coordination.) but she finally relented when I explained the whole Christmas colors thing.

This is one of MANY pictures taken. She is quite the ham in front of the camera, but forgets to smile. This is kind of a happy, drooly mouth, look. It doesn't matter, because she's always cute!

Yup, this is her "forgetting to smile" pose. Kirk kept asking me why we had to take all the pictures before church, and I kept trying to explain that by the time we come home from Church, the girls are too cranky to take beautiful pictures. Besides, you never know what will happen at Church. Well, as if just to prove my point for me, by the end of Sacrament Meeting, Olivia had gone into the bathroom with Monique, and put her skirt in the toilet! It's a good thing I'm such a smart Mommy, and didn't listen to Crazy Daddy!

I love you beautiful girls....


Jean said...


TammaRamma said...

I don't think I could get my kids to wear matching dresses! LOL! Maybe I could get them matching lederhosen! That would be neat!

You're girls look gorgeous!

Gilbrides said...

Your girls are so cute! I am right there with you on the matchig dresses. I LOVE getting them matching dresses. (and I am totally with you on taking their pictures BEFORE church!) It looks like you have a beautiful tree and lots of presents--hope your Christmas was wonderful.